gmax 600


Mastic adhesives have greatly affected the construction industry today. Mastic is a material used to seal materials such as stone, brick, and tile. Mastic has different types such as bitumen, silicone, polyurethane, polysulfide, acrylic, etc. This product has very high adhesion to a variety of building materials such as stone, various metals, concrete, and other materials. It also has a long life and is very high quality. Mastic is non-toxic and therefore can be easily used in applications that come into contact with drinking water. In addition, they are resistant to sunlight and environmental factors. This product does not shrink and has a limited expansion. It is also resistant to very hot temperatures, extreme cold, and frost and maintains its flexibility. It is very interesting to know that this product has the ability to paint and you can use a variety of paints with water solvent or thinner to paint it.

Mastic has different uses depending on its type.

technical specifications

Temperature Resistance

Between -20 to 80 c

Vulcanization Speed

50-60 minutes

Losing Volume

20% (DIN 52451)

Shore a Hardness

20-25 (DIN 52451)


Above 800% (DIN53504)




400 gr


White- black- brown- grey- Champagne

product usage

  • Mastics have very high durability and adhesion, so they are very resistant to destructive environmental factors, chemical materials, and water currents.
  • Mastics are compatible with any surface (metal, wood, concrete, etc.).
  • They are very easy to use so that they dry quickly after application on the surface.
  • They have very high flexibility against high and low temperatures.
  • Mastic can be used to fill joints such as water tanks, pools, and canals.
  • The seams are completely sealed so that they are impermeable to water and other fluids.
  • Mastic is used in the repair of concretes that need to be reconstructed.
  • Fully seals fine surface cracks and expansion joints.

how to maintain

Keep away from moisture and on a wooden pallet with a maximum of 6 cartons in height.

Store at -15 to +50 degrees Celsius.

How to use

  • To work with mastics, the desired surface must be free of any dirt, grease, and waste.
  • Before using and applying mastic, make sure that the mastic is prepared and applied.
  • It is better to use work gloves and goggles to work with mastic.
  • Before applying the mastic on the desired surface, it is better to pay attention to its temperature, some mastics need high temperature and some low temperature.