Choosing the Right PVC Glue: Low & High-Pressure Applications
Choosing the Right PVC Glue: Low & High-Pressure Applications
What is PVC Glue or Solvent Cement?
‘PVC glue’ is also referred to as PVC cement or solvent cement, the official term for the product. There is solvent cement for a wide range of pipe materials, including CPVC, but the substance will only create an effective bond when used on the matching material type.This is because solvent cement actually breaks down the structure of the pipe itself, melting and then hardening the PVC to chemically ‘weld’ pipes and fittings together. Solvents that effectively soften PVC aren’t effective on CPVC, and vice versa.
What is PVC Glue Used For?
You can use PVC glue for a range of different plumbing applications, including:
Fixing leaks and filling small gaps
Joining PVC pipes and fittings
Temporary PVC repairs
Permanent PVC repairs
PVC glue comes in a range of varieties to suit different conditions. Each type of PVC glue has a specific use, and it isn’t a good idea to use the wrong PVC cement for the project at hand, even if it saves you a few dollars. The different types of PVC glue vary in thickness, color, and how long they take to dry, giving contractors an option for every possible project.
Some household plumbing tasks may be easy even for beginners, but others – like using PVC cement – can be extremely tricky. Solvent cement jointing is an expert-level skill that should only be carried out by professionals.To safely handle PVC primer and solvents, make sure you are wearing the proper safety equipment, such as eye protection and gloves. You should also know that you need to work very quickly when using PVC primer and high-pressure PVC glue. It is ideal to dry-fit the pipes and fittings before using any PVC cement products.
Types of PVC Glue (PVC Cement)
If you are working on a non-plumbing project or pipes with low water pressure, you can use the thinner types of PVC glue or the Type N Cement, which stands for non-pressure. These are usually the cheapest options.
Do not use this type of glue for PVC pipes where high-pressure water flow passes through. It is not designed to hold up to that amount of pressure, and you will probably end up having to repeat the same repair.
For regular home repairs, the best PVC glue you can use is heavy-bodied cement, also known as Type P cement for pressure applications. These types dry a little slower. It is also good to note that aside from the PVC glue itself, you will also need a PVC primer to prep the pipes for better bonding and joining.
There are also pro-level PVC glue options, recommended for heavy-duty and industrial purposes. These options are the best for extremely high-pressure applications, and you have to be extra careful when using this type of PVC glue.The biggest thing you need to consider for any plumbing repair is choosing the right type of PVC glue, depending on the pressure rating.
Understanding PVC Glue Pressure Rating
PVC glues and their pressure ratings might sound complex, but it is very easy to understand with a bit of background knowledge. Various projects will require a specific PVC glue pressure rating for safe and reliable performance. The first thing you need to understand is that you will need PVC glue with a higher pressure rating if your pipes are under strain.
High-pressure environments aren’t limited to industrial scenarios, either. High-pressure applications include sinks, showers, potable, and running water for your home. Low or non-pressure applications include conduits, drains, sewage, and other pipe applications that don’t require the water to run through a pressure tank or pressure booster.
If you pick up a can of PVC glue, you will notice the pressure rating that is usually written on the label. In addition, you will usually come across pressure ratings, such as 12” pressure or 18” non-pressure. The inches refer to the diameter of the PVC pipe for both pressure and non-pressure applications—and that is how you determine if the PVC glue is suitable for your project.
The PVC pipe itself has a pressure rating, which is usually scheduled for 40 or scheduled 80. Schedule 80 PVC pipes can handle up to 280 psi, but for regular home applications, schedule 40 PVC pipes should do the trick.
When it comes to more challenging applications, it’s not only the water pressure that you need to consider. Other factors may stress your pipes, such as:
. Vibration
. Temperature
. Chemicals
To withstand all of the factors that may add stress to your pipes, you will need PVC glue with a higher pressure rating. If that is the case, you will need thicker-bodied PVC glue to achieve the bond strength required. You will also need to make sure that your PVC glue will match the size of the pipe for it to work best.
How long should PVC glue dry before pressure?
When using PVC glue or cement, you should always check the label and fact sheet for the particular product you’re using. This is because different pressure ratings and formulations of solvent cement are designed to have different drying and curing times. Some factors affect the drying or curing process, such as temperature and humidity. If you live in a cold or humid area, you should allow more time before pressure is applied or use a specialized cold-weather PVC product.
Will PVC cement cure underwater?
Yes, depending on the specific product chosen. Any brand that is fast-acting and advertised as all-weather PVC glue can cure underwater, but it will take at least 24 hours. Be sure to consult the label and fact sheet for the PVC cement you’re using to be certain.